Fitness Challenges have now been launched at Bannatynes Brindley Place. There are 3 exercises to take part in and the more people that take part the bigger the prizes will be.

The 3 exercises are:
Hang Time
1.5 Mile / 2.41 Km Run
All attempts must be witnessed by a member of staff or be able to show video proof of the attempt.
Here is how to do each exercise:
Hang Time
Simply grab a bar - lift your feet of the floor and time how long you can hang from the bar without your feet touching the floor. How long can you last?

A plank involves balancing on toes and forearms as you hold the rest of your body off the ground. Your spine is kept in a neutral position and your head, torso, and legs are aligned. Planking is an isometric exercise since keep your core muscles contracted in one position. Time yourself how long you can hold good technique for.

1.5 Mile / 2.41Km Run
Choose a treadmill and walk, jog or run a total distance of 1.5miles or 2.41km depending on the settings of your treadmill. What is the fastest time you can cover this distance?

Remember this is a fitness challenge aimed at helping you see where your current health and fitness levels are at and challenging you to improve on your own time. It is "not a competition with others" its a way to challenge yourself.
So get involved and record your first scores as soon as possible, then I challenge you to improve your scores before the end the year.